Erfenis Publikasies / Heritage Publications

Erfenis Publikasies / Heritage Publications

Self-publication / Selfpublikasie

Self-publication / Selfpublikasie

Friday, 9 November 2018


Cover and layout design by Stella Stofberg
This is a continuation of the love story begun in the author’s previous novel, The Tame Khaki, in which the twenty-year-old Jack Whitelaw sets off from his home in Dorset to fight the Boers in the southern tip of Africa. Wounded, he’s taken to a Ladysmith hospital, where he falls in love with a beautiful young nurse, Rachel du Toit, a boere-nooi, whose father and brothers are all fighting in a Boer commando. The love affair flourishes during the siege – until Rachel is forced to flee Ladysmith and ends up in a British concentration camp.
It’s now March 1902 and the war is virtually over. Shortly before Jack sails for home, Rachel forgives him for his part in Milner’s ‘scorched earth policy’ and he returns to Pieter­maritzburg determined to win her hand in marriage. His blissful life with his lovely wife and two little children on a farm in the Natal Midlands begins to transform when Britain declares war against Germany and his deep sense of loyalty to his ex-colleagues and The Old Country kicks in. Rachel is at first fiercely opposed to him again donning a British uni­form, but eventually relents, knowing Jack will continue to suffer powerful pangs of guilt if he doesn’t. You’ll become deeply engrossed – at times saddened – by what occurs next.

Dave Baker
083 411 2722

Monday, 8 October 2018


Uitleg en omslagontwerp deur Stella Stofberg
In In die koelte van eergister ontmoet jy gewone mense én belangrike mense: almal skrywers aan die Overbergse geskiedenis van die Fick-familie.
Daar is ant Gesie, ʼn ystervrou wat die herhaalde slae van die lewe moes hanteer, daar’s die versiende landbouleier wat nogtans die nuwerwetse “traktor”-gedoente nie vertrou nie; ontmoet die geniale maar onvervulde Fieksen wie se lewensverhaal tragies eindig en ant Kootjie Padkos wat allerhande spronge maak om swangerskap te vermy. Vind uit waar die Bekke, die Kantientjies en die Sterrekykers hul byname gekry het.
Volg saam die Fick-familielyne deur 220 jaar in die Overberg – van Caledon tot Napier – asook hul verbintenisse met ander bekende families in die eens afgesonderde gebied “over het gebergte”. En alles het begin by een man, Antonij Ficq, wat in die vroeë 1700’s met ʼn klein skippie uit Europa sy heil kom soek het op die Afrika vasteland.
Hierdie is ʼn breedvoerige verslag oor hoe grond deur eeue aan familie­name gekoppel gebly het wat vir die eerste keer op rekord geplaas word. In ʼn tyd waar familietradisie afgewater word, is hierdie boek ʼn kosbare stuk nalatenskap vir enige nasaat om op te pas.


Sel: 083 255 2666

Tuesday, 25 September 2018


Cover and layout design by Stella Stofberg
Working full time, raising kids, running a household, being a wife – AND breastfeeding? You must be kidding! If this has always been your opinion, you are in for a surprise. In this book Liezel Freeman shows you that it can be done.
Breastfeeding is something the author is passionate about. Having at first experienced failure, then tasting success with her second child, Liezel knows the pitfalls. Breast Assured is a comprehensive guide to successful breastfeeding in which she aims to equip new moms with basic – but extremely helpful – information to encourage them to dig in, persevere and . . . succeed. Breastfeeding what Mother Nature ultimately intended mothers to do.
In this book you will learn about the advantages of breastfeeding for baby and mother: those commonly known and then those less known. But even though the advantages are clear, breastfeeding is not easy. Armed with the right knowledge and a circle of supportive people you may easily jump the hurdles of sore and cracked nipples, mastitis, too low milk production and how to continue breastfeeding after maternal leave is over. Knowing why formula could never match the goodness of breast milk may be an extra incentive for new moms to stick to breastfeeding as long as possible.
As a registered radiation therapist with additional training as a natural healing practitioner in diet and nutrition, Liezel knows what she is about.

Liezel Freeman
Cell nr.: 076 574 5747

Thursday, 24 May 2018

HONDEKLIPBAAI: van toeka tot nou

In Hondklipbaai: van toeka tot nou word hierdie kusdorpie soveel meer as ’n naam op ’n padbord langs die N7. Tinus Bruwer laat die geskiedenis van die Hondeklipbaaistreek lewe met sy vertellings oor hierdie oudste maar uiters gevaarlike natuurlike hawe aan die weskus van Suid-Afrika.
Lees oor die talle skipbreuke langs die kus en loop op die spoor van koper- en diamantontginning in Namakwaland. Watter soort mens het hierdie streek getem deur eeue se ontberings en swaarkry; hoe het Moordenaarsbaai sy naam gekry en waar lê Simson se Moertjie? Is daar ’n logiese verklaring vir die onverklaarbare “Verskynsel” buite Hondeklipbaai?

Hierdie boek vertel jou oor Hondeklipbaai se toeka en sy nou.

Sel: 082 9753736
WhatsApp: 072 2057058

Posbus 1, Hondeklipbaai, 8222