Erfenis Publikasies / Heritage Publications

Erfenis Publikasies / Heritage Publications

Self-publication / Selfpublikasie

Self-publication / Selfpublikasie

Wednesday 21 October 2015


Wie sou kon glo dat uit so ’n grusame ongeluk soveel lewensvreugde, wysheid en insig, motivering en inspirasie kan voortspruit? Om in hierdie boek saam met Irene die pad te loop na ’n heel nuwe lewe behoort vir ’n ieder en elk ’n dieper begrip van die woord deursettingsvermoë te gee.

Anita Roddick sê: “Be courageous. It’s one of the only places left uncrowded.” Hoe waar is hierdie woorde nie? Voor Irene se on­geluk het ek altyd geweet dat min mense haar deursettingsvermoë het. Ná haar ongeluk weet ek daar is selfs nog minder.
Rian van Heerden

Irene Fischer was ’n radio-omroeper in die Vrystaat toe sy in 2009 ’n traumatiese breinbesering in ’n motorongeluk opgedoen het. Dit het haar as ’n hemipleeg met ’n spraakgebrek gelaat. Vandag is sy ’n menseregte aktivis met ’n spesiale fokus op persone met gestremdhede.

Besoek Irene se webtuiste by om navrae oor haar boek te doen of as jy haar wil bespreek vir ’n motiveringspraatjie.

 English Translation

Who would have believed that so much zest for life, such wisdom and insight, motivation and inspiration could emanate from a horrific car accident? Following Irene’s journey to a whole new life should give everyone who reads this book a deeper understanding of the word perseverance.

Anita Roddick says: “Be courageous. It’s one of the only places left uncrowded.” How true these words are. Even before Irene’s accident I knew there were few people with her powers of perseverance. Now, after the accident, I know there are even less.
Rian van Heerden

Irene Fischer was a radio personality who, in 2009, sustained a traumatic brain injury in a motor car accident. This left her a hemiplegic with a speech defect. Today she sees herself as a human rights activist with particular focus on people with handicaps.

Visit Irene’s website at for enquiries about her book or to book her for a motivational talk.

Thursday 15 October 2015


Omslagontwerp deur Stella Stofberg

Geitjievoet en Hondebal is Nellie Alberts se debuutbundel kontreistories. Leer ken karakters uit die Noordweste – eiesoortige mense uit die Hantam, Roggeveld, Boesmanland en Tankwa Karoo; mense uit een stuk, sout van die aarde. Ontmoet oom Jiems wat sy seuns met suurklontjies vergoed; Dapie wat die Ingelse stryd moet stry en Calvinia se stylvolle Jackie Onassis. Daar’s reënstories en droogtestories; biduurstories; skoustories . . . en ’n onvergeetlike storie oor ’n as sonder ghries!
Die meeste stories is op die waarheid baseer; hier en daar is stukkies byborduur of bygelieg. Die leser mag karakters herken, al is die name meestal verander – hulle woon nog hier rond of het dalk reeds verhuis na daardie Groot K’roovlakte waar die opslag altyd blom.

Oor die skrywer:
As gebore kind van die Noordweste, het Nellie Alberts grootgeword op bokmelk en skaap­kaiings. Sy woon in haar hartland, naby Calvinia op ’n plaas. Sy skryf ook kinderstories waarvan ’n paar gepubliseer is in Middernag en ander spokerige stories (H&R), en in ViaAfrika se skoolleesboeke vir junior hoërskoolleerders. Sy het lank skoolgehou, nog langer ’n naaldwerkwinkel bedryf en deesdae doen sy manuskripontwikkeling, proeflees- en redigeerwerk wanneer sy nie kwilt, skryf of tuinmaak tussen die kaal klippe nie.
Ware ‘karakters’ is aan die uitsterf, mense het kleurloos geword, maar hierdie harde droë wêreld van die Noord-Kaap vorm karakter sodat hier baie besonderse mense is, dié soort mens wat nog nie voor die vaalheid van polities en humanisties korrekte voorskrifte geswig het nie, maar sonder skroom hul eie ding doen. Oor hier­die mense skryf sy, die onbesonge karakters van die vlaktes – voor hulle finaal uitsterf.

Nellie Alberts

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Selfpublikasie swendelary

Ô ô . . . nog ’n skrywer wat in ’n geslepe, oorsese uitgewer se strik getrap het. Ai tog! En dit nadat ek gewaarsku het . . .

Ons kry gereeld briewe van skrywers wat uit onkunde derduisende rande verloor het deur die beloftes van uitgeslape internetskurke te glo wat kwansuis hulle boeke gaan publiseer en internasionaal bemark – teen ’n prys, natuurlik!

Aanloklike publiseringspakkette met allerhande spesialiteitsdienste word aangebied – en vir elke item waarvoor jy ja sê, gaan die prys op. Baie slinks bewerkstellig, want die aanbiedinge en kostetoevoegings word oor ’n verloop van tyd gedoen, en die arme skrywer betaal, betaal deur sy/haar nek vir nog ’n kammakastige voordeel hier en ’n noodsaaklikheid daar.

Mense, wees asb. versigtig. Voordat jy besigheid doen met enige uitgewers wat onderneem om jou boek te publiseer doen asb. eers navorsing op Google deur die volgende in te tik:
(Die betrokke besigheid se naam) + Scam
(Die betrokke besigheid se naam) + Problem
(Die betrokke besigheid se naam) + Complaint
(Die betrokke besigheid se naam) + Fraud
(Die betrokke besigheid se naam) + Ripoff
(Die betrokke besigheid se naam) + “Better Business Bureau”

Hier volg ook ’n paar artikels wat jy kan lees om slaggate te vermy:

Sunday 13 September 2015

Die proses van selfpublikasie – 'n persoonlike nota van Stella Stofberg

Ons kry baie navrae van skrywers wat hulp of inligting i.v.m. selfpublikasie soek en meesal niks van publikasie weet nie.
    Om jou boek deur Erfenis Publikasies / Heritage Publications te laat publiseer is ’n proses waarin ek baie nou met jou, die skrywer werk om maksimum tevredenheid te waarborg. Dus, laat ek die proses van publikasie in leke-terme verduidelik:
·     Eerstens, my aandeel in die publikasie van ’n skrywer se boek: Ek is die projekbestuurder en ontvang die finale manuskrip van die skrywer, en bespreek o.a. die fonte, grootte, gevoel en voorkoms van die boek met hom/haar. Asook die dienste wat die skrywer mag benodig soos bv. redigering, proeflees, indeksering, ens.
·     Hierna verkry ek kwotasies van verskeie professionele kollegas, sowel as kwotasies van 2-3 drukkers betroubare drukkers en stuur uiteindelik ’n gedetailleerde kwotasie vir die produksie en druk van die boek aan die skrywer. Die skrywer aanvaar die kwotasies in geheel of gedeeltelik.
·     Tensy die skrywer reeds sy/haar manuskrip laat redigeer het, is die volgende stap vir my om die manuskrip na ’n gepaste (vir die onderwerp en styl) redigeerder te stuur wat die manuskrip sal werk. Wanneer die redigeerder klaar is, sal hy/sy voorgestelde korreksies en verandering aan die skrywer stuur.
·     Nadat die skrywer die korreksies en verandering gedoen of verwerp het, kom die manuskrip terug na my en ek doen die uitleg van die boek ná die skrywer tevrede is met die fonte en fontgrootte sowel as die algemene voorkoms van die boek. Die skrywer ontvang PDFs van my soos wat die uitleg vorder.
·     Wanneer die uitleg voltooi is, maak ek ’n PDF van die uitleg en stuur dit aan die skrywer en die proefleser.
·     Die proefleser maak seker dat al die grammatika, leestekens, uitlegspasiëring, feite, ens. korrek is.
·     Beide die skrywer en ek ontvang die voorgestelde korreksies van die proefleser. Die skrywer aanvaar of verwerp die proefleser se voorstelle en daarna doen ek die finale korreksies.
·     Ek ontwerp ook die boekomslag in noue samewerking met die skrywer.
·     Sodra die finale uitleg en boekomslag deur die skrywer goedgekeur is word die PDFs na die gekose drukker gestuur.
·     ’n Proefkopie word gedruk en na my en die skrywer gestuur vir goedkeuring.
·      Ek kyk dat alles perfek is, bv. die kleur en dikte van die omslag, die kantlyne, fonte, kleur van foto's, ens. Indien daar enigiets is waarmee die skrywer en/of ek nie mee tevrede is nie, word ’n tweede en selfs ’n derde proefkopie gedruk
·     Wanneer die proefkopie reg en goedgekeur deur die skrywer is, word die boeke gedruk.
·     Ek sien toe dat ’n geskikte koerier die boeke na die skrywer vervoer, of die skrywer kom haal die boeke direk by my.

Ek het al suksesvol met skrywers van Durban tot Kalifornië gewerk – die maak nie saak waar jy in Suid-Afrika of die wêreld is nie Erfenis Publikasies / Heritage Publications kan jou help om jou boek professioneel en bekostigbaar te publiseer. ’n Boek waarop jy trots kan wees.

Kontak my vir publikasie- en drukkwotasies by:

Saturday 5 September 2015


Cover design by Stella Stofberg

Robin Boyd’s story is somewhat different to my own, yet it tells of a life as full of adventure in as many parts of the globe as mine. His nose for the fray led him from skirmishes in Greece and Albania and action in the Arab-Israeli post-war conflict in Palestine to smuggling drink in the Channel Islands, from accidentally skiing the Olympic Ski Run to hunting rogue lions in East Africa. There was more to come . . .
The book is a rollicking tale told by a deceptively modest man, which kept me turning the pages trying to find a place to put it down so I could draw breath and prepare for the next rollercoaster ride. It’s a great read for anyone who prefers to sit in a comfortable armchair with a cup of tea, and let other ‘mad, bad and dangerous-to-know’ people have the adventures.
Ranulph Fiennes

The extraordinary life of Robin Boyd began in Britain in 1927. Born into an ancient, aristocratic family teeming with adventurers, his audacious tales are of derring-do and courage, with tongue so firmly in cheek we laugh out loud. As a youth during World War II, he attempted to escape from Eton to join the merchant navy; later was trained as a tank commander in the army and commissioned into 17/21st Lancers.
He describes hair-raising skirmishes in foreign lands, meetings with characters from other worlds and living to the hilt. Then, ever irreverent, he encountered challenges and triumphs in Africa, during which time he wooed and won Lavinia and begat sons. From their farm in Kenya, via teaching royalty to waterski in Corfu, he settled his family in Ireland and there began his exploits aboard his ‘other woman’, his 35-foot yacht named Ballerina of Skellig. In her, he sailed the seven seas, eventually retiring to South Africa where he enjoyed many expeditions up into remote areas in the Cederberg mountains near Cape Town.

Carol van Hoogstraten


Cover design and layout by Stella Stofberg

Friday 28 August 2015

The Process of Self-Publication: A Personal Note from Stella Stofberg

Getting your book published by Heritage Publications / Erfenis Publikasies is a process in which I work very closely with you, the author, to guarantee maximum satisfaction. Therefore, let me explain the process of publishing a book with us in laymen's terms:

  • First of all, my part in the publication of an author’s book: I am the project manager and receive the final manuscript from the author, and discuss the size and the look/feel of the book with him/her. Then, I proceed to get quotes for the services needed by the author from various professional co-workers, and finally send a detailed quote for the production and printing of the book back to the author.
  • Unless the author has had his/her manuscript previously edited, the next step for me will be to send the manuscript to an appropriate (for the subject and style) editor who will work through the manuscript, and when done, send suggested corrections and changes to the author.
  • After the author has done or rejected the editor’s suggestions, the manuscript comes back to me and I do the layout of the book after the author is satisfied with the font and font size that is going to be used as well as the general look of the book. The author receives PDFs from me as the layout progresses.
  • When the layout is done, I make a PDF of the layout that is send to the author and the proofreader.
  • The proofreader checks that all punctuation, grammar, layout spacing, facts, etc. is correct.
  • Both the author and I receive the suggested corrections from the proofreader. The author accepts or rejects the proofreaders suggestions and then I do the final corrections.
  • I also design the book cover, working closely with the author.
  • Once the final layout and book cover are approved by the author, the PDFs go to the printers.
  • The proof copy is printed and send to me and the author for approval.
  • I check that everything is perfect, e.g. the colour and thickness of the cover, the margins, fonts, colour of photographs, etc. If there is anything that either or both the author and I are not happy with, a second proof copy is printed and sometimes a third and very rarely even a fourth.
  • When the proof copy is correct and approved by the author, the books get printed.
  • I see to it that a suitable courier delivers the books to the author, or the author collects them directly from me.

I have worked successfully with authors from Durban to California – it does not matter where you are, in South Africa or the world, Heritage Publications / Erfenis Publikasies can help you to publish your book, professionally and affordable. A book to be proud of.

Contact me for publication and printing quotes at:

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Self-publication: We publish your book

Heritage Publications is the trustworthy way to go if you consider to self-publish your book.
Everything you need to self-publish, and need to know about self-publication is just an email away:

·         Editing of your manuscript
·         Proofreading
·         Cover design
·         Type setting and layout of your book
·         Quality printing and binding
·         Design and printing of marketing materials
·         Design and creation of a free web presence for your book

You can make use of just one or two, or all of our services.

It does not matter where you are in South Africa or the world, we can help you to publish your book.

Selfpublikasie: Ons publiseer jou boek

Erfenis publikasies is dié betroubare en professionele weg vir enige skrywer wat dit oorweeg om self te publiseer.

Stella Stofberg sal jou navrae en projek van begin tot einde hanteer. Insluitend die fasilitering van redigering en proeflees deur professionele kollegas, omslagontwerp en uitleg van jou boek, sowel as hoë gehalte druk- en bindwerk.

Dit maak nie saak waar jy in Suid-Afrika of die wêreld is nie, ons kan jou help om jou boek te publiseer.

Kontak Stella by

Monday 24 August 2015


Uitleg deur Stella Stofberg

Klaar Gelag is ’n lekker grapbundel met ’n samestelling van snaakse en histeriese humor. Dit herinner aan gesoute grondboontjies, as jy eers begin daarmee, is dit bykans onmoontlik om op te hou eet daaraan. Die grootste uniekheid hiervan is die feit dat al die humor wat in die bundel vervat word boonop eg Suid-Afrikaans en topklas is.
Lag is die beste medisyne: Dit verminder die risiko vir hartsiektes, dit is ’n natuurlike pyndoder, bevorder asemhaling, help jou om gewig te verloor, sorg vir goeie slaap, verminder stres en maak jou jonk lyk! Daar is absoluut geen rede om nie te lag nie.
Dit is ’n traktasie om so ’n boek vol humor te vind wat die leser laat skaterlag en ook so nou en dan die trane afvee. Voorwaar ’n vars briesie in hierdie besondere genre.
Hierdie volume met sy gemaklike verteltrant is saamgestel om leesvreugde te bied. Dit is gerangskik in 20 lekkerlees hoofstukke met wyd uiteenlopende komiese onderwerpe. Voorts bevat hierdie bundel ’n gesonde hoeveelheid kort grappe en etlike langer humoristiese stories.
Net ’n paar vriendelike woorde van waarskuwing: Hierdie grapbundel is beslis nie vir sensitiewe lesers bedoel nie.

Kontak Conrad Cockcroft vir jou eksemplaar: of by 082 779 1156.

Thursday 20 August 2015


Cover Design and Layout by Stella Stofberg

A Word from the Author, Peter Plum

In 1981/82 our then MBSA President, Leon Glaser, presented me with a document which stated that their aim was to provide finance to building trade employees for the purchase or building of their own homes.
I studied the proposal and came to the conclusion that this scheme would not work as the bank lending rate at the time was about 15%. MBSA wanted to charge between 1% and 7% interest, depending on the size of the bond.
Having worked out that the amount of interest collected would be infinitesimal and would not bring a sufficient return to support others, I then developed a totally new concept.
The first proposal was made on 19 May 1982 in response to BIFSA’s recommendation . . .

If you are interested in learning more about this scheme:


Tuesday 14 July 2015


Omslagontwerp en uitleg deur Stella Stofberg

Op die agterblad van oud brig. genl. Jos Rabie se outobiografie pryk die woorde van Genl Stanley Mc Chrystal, US Army, in The Army Generals:

“If I look across the battlefield I’m always struck by the monuments, particularly at Gettysburg more than anywhere else. Many of these monuments have “Volunteers” on them. They put “Volunteers” because they were proud to have been volunteers. They were communicating that they were not drafted, they were here by choice.
The monuments were put up after the fight and for many years I had a tough time trying to understand because I thought they were about guys wanting credit for what they had done. Put a monument here, beat their chest and say: ‘I’m a hero’.
That is not what they are.
They were trying to simply mark a place where they had served and where they had made a sacrifice. They wanted some validation for what they had done. It mattered because it does not feel good at the time. It’s difficult, it’s dirty, it’s frightening and sometimes you’re not quite the soldier you want to be, and you’re part of things that you would never think you had to be part of – and you need some affirmation that it was important 150 years ago and that it is important today.”

Bestel by:
Jos Rabie

Monday 13 July 2015


Cover Design and Layout by Stella Stofberg

The first ten years make up the most crucial period in the development of the young child. Both positive as well as negative experiences can often leave a lifelong impression upon them and those they may interact with.
The stories fully acknowledge the conceptual and reference world of the child, and   are designed to assist him to deal perceptively with the daily issues he may be confronted with.  The child is stimulated to think creatively, to learn skills needed to live harmoniously and how to handle misfortune. As such the child is encouraged to adopt an intelligent as well as a positive emotional approach to life.
The book is written in a style that implies that an adult will read it to the child and foster communication between them. Each chapter concludes with a few simple questions to further stimulate reasoning about relevant issues. Children should be free to ask questions during the reading so that they can expand the scope of their social intelligence and share in the experiences of the characters. Likewise, the adult will observe the level of insight gained and will assist the child in the development of good values and life skills.

Cecilia Jacobs

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Reënboog oor die silwerjare

Omslagontwerp deur Stella Stofberg
Erfenis Publikasies ontwerp ook net die omslag van 'n boek soos hierdie een vir Roelf de Wet wat uitgegee is Pikkie Publikasies:

Goue lewenswysheid van die silwerjare
Die spreuk lui dat ’n pot goud aan die einde van die reënboog te vind is. As ’n mens na baie somers se paaie nog steeds die avontuurlus het om na dié pot goud te gaan soek, is die resultaat verrassend! Hiervan is Dr. Roelf de Wet se boek, “Reënboog oor die silwerjare – Ontdek die rykdom van die grysheid”, ’n wonderlike voorbeeld. In dié boek vertel Roelf nie net oor die pad na waar die reënboog oor die silwerjare strek nie, maar hy bied ook hierin die goue wysheid aan wat sinoniem is met die grysheid.  

Prof. Jan-Albert van den Berg
Departement Praktiese Teologie, Fakulteit Teologie
Universiteit van die Vrystaat



Cover Design and Layout by Stella Stofberg

Purely local history can be parochial and even self-regarding. The day-to-day doings of ordinary citizens seldom inspire interest, much less enthusiasm, in today’s audiences. However, that danger is much reduced in the case of the Overstrand in general, and Hermanus in particular. Almost since its first settlement the region has attracted visitors and permanent residents (usually retired) who command the attention of a wider audience. Based on their stay in Hermanus, the lives of these ‘movers and shakers’ outside Hermanus can be followed. In this case, a world-famous entertainer opens the door to contact with a Prime Minister, Members of Parliament, famous actors, and a member of a Royal family. In my experience, if you research a little for the ‘back story’ behind the person in Hermanus or the Overstrand, you will be amazed where the story will take you.

Robin Lee


Cover Design and Layout by Stella Stofberg

In 1915 Hermanus, on the south-western coast of South Africa, was an insignificant fishing village. By 1947 it was one of the pre-eminent sea-side holiday resorts in the country, and well-known abroad. There were several reasons for this: a healthy climate; unequalled sea-angling; beautiful natural countryside and steadily improving road access.
The town was also blessed with entrepreneurial citizens, who saw the value of ‘eco-tourism’ long before this became a catch phrase. At one stage in the 1930s Hermanus boasted 13 hotels and a large number of guest houses.
Pre-eminent among the hoteliers were P John Luyt and his wife, Joey van Rhyn Luyt. Joey left a written memoir, detailing, but by no means limited to, her role at the Marine Hotel. She also describes P John’s energetic publicising of Hermanus and his key role in local affairs.
Joey’s memoir contains fascinating detail of her life before coming to Hermanus in 1915, as a schoolteacher; and her marriage to a widower 18 years her senior, with four children. The book is also a record of the guests at the Marine. In all, 270 guests are mentioned by name and dozens are brought to life through her sharp but compassionate eye.

These memoirs of a remarkable woman will appeal to all visitors to and residents of Hermanus and to any reader who loves a story of personal endeavour and achievement.

Robin Lee

Wednesday 18 February 2015


Omslagontwerp en uitleg deur Stella Stofberg
God en die gay-ding . . . Catchy titel het ek gedink toe ek dit die eerste keer lees. En nie veel verwag nie, want die mark is oorvol van boeke oor gays. Totdat ek begin lees het . . . Hier is ’n boek wat nie weer die wiel van vooraf ontwerp nie, maar die belangrikste issues oor gay wees word aangeraak.
Wat belangrik is, is dat veral die ouers van gays hierdie boek met groot vrug kan lees om hul kind se situasie beter te verstaan. ’n Winspunt is ook dat daar duidelike riglyne gestel word vir die gay persoon: die Bybelse beginsels wat geld vir heteroseksuele mense geld ook vir gays.
’n Boek met Bybelse perspektiewe, maar geensins moralisties en veroordelend nie. Geen vasval in swaar eties-teologiese dogmas nie, maar ’n sagte, menslike aanslag.

Dr. Wollie Grobler, predikant by die NG Gemeente Noord, die Klipkerk in Bloemfontein, waar ’n groot aantal gay mense ’n geestelike tuiste gevind het.

Vir enige bestellings, e-pos aan:

God en die gay-ding is ook in Engels beskikbaar: GOD AND THE GAY ISSUE

Cover Design and Layout by Stella Stofberg