Erfenis Publikasies / Heritage Publications

Erfenis Publikasies / Heritage Publications

Self-publication / Selfpublikasie

Self-publication / Selfpublikasie

Tuesday, 14 July 2015


Omslagontwerp en uitleg deur Stella Stofberg

Op die agterblad van oud brig. genl. Jos Rabie se outobiografie pryk die woorde van Genl Stanley Mc Chrystal, US Army, in The Army Generals:

“If I look across the battlefield I’m always struck by the monuments, particularly at Gettysburg more than anywhere else. Many of these monuments have “Volunteers” on them. They put “Volunteers” because they were proud to have been volunteers. They were communicating that they were not drafted, they were here by choice.
The monuments were put up after the fight and for many years I had a tough time trying to understand because I thought they were about guys wanting credit for what they had done. Put a monument here, beat their chest and say: ‘I’m a hero’.
That is not what they are.
They were trying to simply mark a place where they had served and where they had made a sacrifice. They wanted some validation for what they had done. It mattered because it does not feel good at the time. It’s difficult, it’s dirty, it’s frightening and sometimes you’re not quite the soldier you want to be, and you’re part of things that you would never think you had to be part of – and you need some affirmation that it was important 150 years ago and that it is important today.”

Bestel by:
Jos Rabie

Monday, 13 July 2015


Cover Design and Layout by Stella Stofberg

The first ten years make up the most crucial period in the development of the young child. Both positive as well as negative experiences can often leave a lifelong impression upon them and those they may interact with.
The stories fully acknowledge the conceptual and reference world of the child, and   are designed to assist him to deal perceptively with the daily issues he may be confronted with.  The child is stimulated to think creatively, to learn skills needed to live harmoniously and how to handle misfortune. As such the child is encouraged to adopt an intelligent as well as a positive emotional approach to life.
The book is written in a style that implies that an adult will read it to the child and foster communication between them. Each chapter concludes with a few simple questions to further stimulate reasoning about relevant issues. Children should be free to ask questions during the reading so that they can expand the scope of their social intelligence and share in the experiences of the characters. Likewise, the adult will observe the level of insight gained and will assist the child in the development of good values and life skills.

Cecilia Jacobs

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

Reënboog oor die silwerjare

Omslagontwerp deur Stella Stofberg
Erfenis Publikasies ontwerp ook net die omslag van 'n boek soos hierdie een vir Roelf de Wet wat uitgegee is Pikkie Publikasies:

Goue lewenswysheid van die silwerjare
Die spreuk lui dat ’n pot goud aan die einde van die reënboog te vind is. As ’n mens na baie somers se paaie nog steeds die avontuurlus het om na dié pot goud te gaan soek, is die resultaat verrassend! Hiervan is Dr. Roelf de Wet se boek, “Reënboog oor die silwerjare – Ontdek die rykdom van die grysheid”, ’n wonderlike voorbeeld. In dié boek vertel Roelf nie net oor die pad na waar die reënboog oor die silwerjare strek nie, maar hy bied ook hierin die goue wysheid aan wat sinoniem is met die grysheid.  

Prof. Jan-Albert van den Berg
Departement Praktiese Teologie, Fakulteit Teologie
Universiteit van die Vrystaat



Cover Design and Layout by Stella Stofberg

Purely local history can be parochial and even self-regarding. The day-to-day doings of ordinary citizens seldom inspire interest, much less enthusiasm, in today’s audiences. However, that danger is much reduced in the case of the Overstrand in general, and Hermanus in particular. Almost since its first settlement the region has attracted visitors and permanent residents (usually retired) who command the attention of a wider audience. Based on their stay in Hermanus, the lives of these ‘movers and shakers’ outside Hermanus can be followed. In this case, a world-famous entertainer opens the door to contact with a Prime Minister, Members of Parliament, famous actors, and a member of a Royal family. In my experience, if you research a little for the ‘back story’ behind the person in Hermanus or the Overstrand, you will be amazed where the story will take you.

Robin Lee


Cover Design and Layout by Stella Stofberg

In 1915 Hermanus, on the south-western coast of South Africa, was an insignificant fishing village. By 1947 it was one of the pre-eminent sea-side holiday resorts in the country, and well-known abroad. There were several reasons for this: a healthy climate; unequalled sea-angling; beautiful natural countryside and steadily improving road access.
The town was also blessed with entrepreneurial citizens, who saw the value of ‘eco-tourism’ long before this became a catch phrase. At one stage in the 1930s Hermanus boasted 13 hotels and a large number of guest houses.
Pre-eminent among the hoteliers were P John Luyt and his wife, Joey van Rhyn Luyt. Joey left a written memoir, detailing, but by no means limited to, her role at the Marine Hotel. She also describes P John’s energetic publicising of Hermanus and his key role in local affairs.
Joey’s memoir contains fascinating detail of her life before coming to Hermanus in 1915, as a schoolteacher; and her marriage to a widower 18 years her senior, with four children. The book is also a record of the guests at the Marine. In all, 270 guests are mentioned by name and dozens are brought to life through her sharp but compassionate eye.

These memoirs of a remarkable woman will appeal to all visitors to and residents of Hermanus and to any reader who loves a story of personal endeavour and achievement.

Robin Lee